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How to Prioritize for Midterms

How to Prioritize for Midterms

This week marks the halfway point of the semester, a very exciting but stressful time. You have worked so hard these past few weeks, and it is time to put your knowledge to the test. Prioritizing for midterms is essential to your success, so follow these tips to learn more about how to balance your life during this busy week!

Make a studying plan

To function best during midterms, you need to plan and prioritize. Make a list of everything you need to get done ranging from assignments to other tasks. What can you put off until after finals, and what is most urgent? Write down each midterm date and time, and make sure to keep this information easily accessible. Schedule blocks of time to study for each class, and know that some midterms may carry a heavier weight than others. By making a studying plan, you are holding yourself accountable, and this will force your to study and break up the time as you see fit.

One thing to consider is that during this busy time, you may have to say “no” to some outside and social events this week. You should avoid things that will distract you and get in the way of doing your very best on your exams. They only last a week after all.

Ask for help if you need It

If you feel as though you are falling behind in your work or don’t know a topic as well as you should, it’s time to ask for help. School is about learning, not faking it, so if you need someone to better explain a topic for you to get the most out of your education, go for it! To do so, you may want to contact your professor, go to office hours, or join a study group with your classmates. UGA also offers many resources through the career center and online.

Also, try to think ahead in regards to other tiny tasks around the house. If you need to study but need someone’s help with making dinner, cleaning, etc., you should welcome any help you can get to allow yourself to stay on track.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Once again, along the lines of completing small tasks around the house, plan ahead. Get your laundry done early on in the week instead of towards the end when your work is piling up. Meal prep on the weekend so that you can spend week nights studying, not having to worry about what to make for dinner. If you need to clean, try and complete small tasks at a time rather than tackling it all at once. If you break things up over time, completing them will seem much easier in the long-run.

It’s all about balance

Busy weeks are all about balance. The more time you spend studying, the more you may want to be doing something else. So, spend a good about of time studying your very best, but allow yourself to take breaks. You may choose to go for a walk, take a coffee break or take a quick study nap. If you spend all of your time stressing over your midterms, you won’t get the most out of your study time.

Good luck on your midterms, dawgs!