I am passionate about building a learning community that supports the growth of competent, self-aware clinical social workers who make a difference in the world.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Social work is a field in which social justice is central, including training about how policies and larger-scale change fit with the more community and personal-level change created in therapy.
The main thing I hope students gain from my classes is a sense of curiosity and clarity about how to move forward with ongoing learning. This includes understanding evidence-based practice and why it is important, as well as a practiced ability to apply theories and skills effectively. Foundationally, this learning requires consideration of social justice issues and how they contribute to well-being and struggle. I also hope they learn about how to cultivate cooperative communities, both in terms of the skills required to learn from others and the benefits of working in teams.
My main research interest is sexuality in the aging population, especially women. I work as an AASECT certified sex therapist, so the research grew from that. Most recently, I research innovative teaching methods. I work both with couples and with individuals clinically. I am also a certified yoga instructor, and am interested in yoga for trauma.