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Learn How to Best Utilize Different Social Media Platforms

Learn How to Best Utilize Different Social Media Platforms

The University of Georgia’s Career Center releases many helpful professional guides for students and graduates. The UGA Career Center Social Media Guide can help you understand how to have a professional online presence, with tips on how to best utilize different platforms and how to connect with others in your field. Here are some highlights from the guide:


LinkedIn is one of the best networks to use for professional networking and job searching. Even if you are an established professional in your field, a LinkedIn profile can help you increase your visibility and can reinforce your personal brand. You can use LinkedIn to find connections in a specific city or industry; connecting with other UGA students or alumni is quick and easy! Joining groups is another easy way to build your professional network. You can enhance your professional brand by joining and contributing to relevant groups. Connect with people you meet through conferences, networking events, and similar events!


While Facebook is primarily thought of as a place to connect with family and friends, it can also be used to explore careers, network professionally, and aid in any future job searches. You can use the Facebook Search tool to find people and places you are looking for, and also discover new connections based on what others have shared with you on Facebook. You can find alumni who graduated with your major, or alumni that live in a specific city. Join and be active in groups such as the UGA Alumni Association, and don’t forget to interact with UGA Online on Facebook as well!


The purpose of Twitter is to share photos, news, and thoughts in 140 characters or less. Love it or hate it, Twitter is a great way to connect with people you may not otherwise have a chance to speak to. Depending on who you follow, you can find new information and build connections. Even if you don’t tweet, you can use Twitter to listen; you can use the platform to stay abreast of what is going on in your industry. Follow UGA Online on Twitter to interact with us and stay updated.

Online Portfolio

An online portfolio can be a great addition to your professional brand. Your website should reflect your purpose by highlighting key information and skills. You can include a short bio, testimonials, video and other multimedia, job results, and even start a blog. Including the link to your online portfolio on business cards and your resume can help others learn more about you after you meet them.