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TEDxUGA 2024: Coming to a Computer Screen Near You

March 25, 2024

TEDxUGA returns in 2024, and this time, you’ll be able to watch from home. Hosted by the New Media Institute out of Grady College but run by faculty and staff from across campus, TEDxUGA seeks to explore the candid experiences, groundbreaking research, and innovative scholarship that will frame the future through live presentations and talks by UGA’s leading thinkers and doers.

A Site Visit to Behold: NMI Students Head Out of State

March 22, 2024

The New Media Institute’s Professional Friday Initiative is going the distance, literally. In their second out-of-state site visit, the NMI invited its students – both undergraduate certificate seekers and Emerging Media Masters professionals – to join them on a trip down to Florida to explore how their studies in digital and technological experiences can be put to use with real-life projects and companies.

Nanoparticles & Nuptials: Married Biomedical Science Professors Break Ground

March 8, 2024

Puliyur and Sheba MohanKumar represent more than just a story of international love – they’re also two of the most successful faculty at UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine and beloved professors in the online Master of Science (M.S.) in Comparative Biomedical Sciences program.

UGA Food Scientists Receive Grant to Build Organic Growers Toolbox

March 1, 2024

Abhinav Mishra, associate professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology – as well as faculty member and graduate program coordinator in the online Master of Food Technology program – has received a $3.5 million grant, alongside his colleague, Govindaraj Dev Kumar, as part of their ongoing work in food safety.