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Online Professor Makes Sure His Classes Have a Personal Touch

Online Professor Makes Sure His Classes Have a Personal Touch

Craig Piercy, online instructor for the Terry College of Business, makes sure that his students get the same amount of attention in an online class as they would face to face.  He says that “One of the things you can’t get naturally online is the teacher-student connection. You lose that presence when you don’t see people face-to-face. So when you’re teaching online, you have to help that along. You have to allow students to get to know you as a human.” Dr. Piercy is currently the director of the Master of Internet Technology program, which is now offered completely online. He still makes sure that his personality comes through in his online lectures. He says that.  “A lot of the instructional videos are mostly screencasts, but I always include a little bit of myself, maybe telling some corny jokes and introducing the concept.”

To read the full profile on Dr. Piercy, visit the Terry website.

To learn more about the MIT program, visit the program page.