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Online classes at the University of Georgia are a great way to fulfill your requirements without being in Athens. UGA offers a variety of courses online that will fulfill core, major, and elective requirements. Below you will find a searchable list of all courses UGA currently has to offer online, displaying the CRN for easy registration, who is teaching the course, the core area, the number of credit hours, and the number of seats available. Summer courses are particularly popular and fill up quickly. Select to “hide full courses” box to see only the courses with seats available.

Find the Perfect Course for You

CRN Course Course Title Instructor Areas Fulfilled Credits Seats Available
70490 AFST 2100E Introduction to Africa Ibigbolade Aderibigbe Area IV, Area V 3 21
70734 AFST 3001E Culture and Identity Linkages of the Swahili with the Outside World I Dainess Maganda Area IV 3 60
71136 AGCM 8700E Communicating about Agricultural and Environmental Scientific Innovation M Randa Sandlin 3 -8
71932 ALDR 3820E Reflections on Fighting Hunger Maria Navarro Area V 3 1
72619 ALDR 3820E Reflections on Fighting Hunger Maria Navarro Area V 3 4
68320 ALDR 4600E The Global Seminar - Global Issues in Agriculture and the Environment Dan Croom 3 14
70422 ALDR 4710E International Agricultural Development Maria Navarro 3 7
60586 ALDR 4710E International Agricultural Development Maria Navarro 3 25
69749 ALDR 4800E Grantseeking Jason Peake 3 15
68319 ALDR 6600E The Global Seminar - Global Issues in Agriculture and the Environment Dan Croom 3 19
70423 ALDR 6710E International Agricultural Development Maria Navarro 3 19
60587 ALDR 6710E International Agricultural Development Maria Navarro 3 25
69750 ALDR 6800E Grantseeking Jason Peake 3 7
69973 ALDR 7040E Programming for Agricultural Youth Groups Eric Rubenstein 3 20
72655 ALDR 7100E Directed Study in Agricultural Leadership Dan Croom 3 5
60493 ALDR 7230E Adult Education Dan Croom 3 25
55707 ALDR 7500E Leading Team and Organizational Development M Randa Sandlin 3 20
72545 ALDR 7770E Teaching in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Eric Rubenstein 3 4
52945 ALDR 7770E Teaching in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dan Croom 3 25
46336 ALDR 8350E Program Evaluation Kevan Lamm 3 20
56834 ALDR 8400E Advanced Program Evaluation/Data Analysis Chin-Ling Lee 3 10
71301 ALDR 8890E Leading Change Capstone Maria Navarro 3 7
64757 ALDR 8900E History and Philosophy of Agricultural and Extension Education Dan Croom 3 1
68428 ALDR 8910E Advanced Topics in Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication Dan Croom 1 16
70976 AMSL 1010E American Sign Language I Amy Peterson 3 -3