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Online classes at the University of Georgia are a great way to fulfill your requirements without being in Athens. UGA offers a variety of courses online that will fulfill core, major, and elective requirements. Below you will find a searchable list of all courses UGA currently has to offer online, displaying the CRN for easy registration, who is teaching the course, the core area, the number of credit hours, and the number of seats available. Summer courses are particularly popular and fill up quickly. Select to “hide full courses” box to see only the courses with seats available.

Find the Perfect Course for You

CRN Course Course Title Instructor Areas Fulfilled Credits Seats Available
58875 AMSL 1020E American Sign Language II Amy Peterson 3 22
65090 AMSL 1020E American Sign Language II Debra Teesdale 3 0
68717 AMSL 2010E American Sign Language III Brian Leffler 3 1
72522 AMSL 2010E American Sign Language III Amy Peterson 3 -2
68427 AMSL 2010E American Sign Language III Amy Peterson 3 -8
62785 AMSL 2010E American Sign Language III Amy Peterson 3 22
58231 ANTH 1102E Introduction to Anthropology Jason Gonzalez Area IV, Area V 3 41
70735 ANTH 3001E Culture and Identity Linkages of the Swahili with the Outside World I Dainess Maganda Area IV 3 65
58230 ANTH 3150E Water Worlds Donald Nelson 3 24
61899 ANTH 3410E Contemporary Native America Jennifer Birch 3 42
62848 ARED 7370E Curriculum Theory and Practice in Art Education 3 12
62847 ARED 7400E Introduction to Inquiry in Art Education Mira Kallio Tavin 3 12
70468 ARGD 2030E Introduction to Typography in Visual Communication Julie Spivey 3 29
59756 ARHI 2300E Introduction to Art History: Prehistory to Renaissance Mark Abbe Area IV 3 30
63121 ARHI 2400E Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary Ellen Andrew Area IV 3 47
71959 ARST 3660E CAD/CAM for Objects and Jewelry 3 0
62912 ARST 3660E CAD/CAM for Objects and Jewelry 3 20
68280 ARTI 3550E Introduction to Cognitive Science 3 24
56285 ARTS 2000E Art Appreciation Jonathan Vogt Area IV 3 18
56288 ARTS 2050E Cultural Diversity in American Art Mira Kallio Tavin Area IV 3 0
58287 ARTS 2100E Strategic Visual Thinking Jiayi Guo Area III 3 27
73385 ASTR 1420E Life in the Universe Area II 3 34
73353 ATSC 1112E Introduction to Weather and Climate Jonathon Preece Area II 3 0
72198 ATSC 4130E Tropical Meteorology and Climatology John Knox 3 19
72197 ATSC 6130E Tropical Meteorology and Climatology John Knox 3 1