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Online classes at the University of Georgia are a great way to fulfill your requirements without being in Athens. UGA offers a variety of courses online that will fulfill core, major, and elective requirements. Below you will find a searchable list of all courses UGA currently has to offer online, displaying the CRN for easy registration, who is teaching the course, the core area, the number of credit hours, and the number of seats available. Summer courses are particularly popular and fill up quickly. Select to “hide full courses” box to see only the courses with seats available.

Find the Perfect Course for You

CRN Course Course Title Instructor Areas Fulfilled Credits Seats Available
71686 WFED 4350E Curriculum Planning in Workforce Education Joyce Adams 3 5
70293 WFED 4360E Instructional Strategies in Workforce Education Joyce Adams 3 5
70319 WFED 5050E Problems of Teaching Workforce Education Andrew Jackson 3 5
48249 WFED 5550E Students With Special Needs in Programs of Workforce Education Jay Rojewski 3 5
53326 WFED 5560E Diversity in Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Roger Hill 3 5
42219 WFED 6010E Foundations of Work and Family Life Education Jay Rojewski 3 2
70318 WFED 6100E Principles and Practices of Career Education Carmen Pedersen 3 20
59615 WFED 6343E Transition from College to Work and Adult Life Turhan Carroll 3 0
70294 WFED 6350E Curriculum Planning in Workforce Education Joyce Adams 3 50
70295 WFED 6360E Instructional Strategies in Workforce Education Joyce Adams 3 50
63639 WFED 7020E Assessing Student Learning in Workforce Education Joyce Adams 3 30
70320 WFED 7050E Problems of Teaching Workforce Education Andrew Jackson 3 20
59616 WFED 7070E Enhancing Learning in Workforce Education Kristopher Hollers 3 0
70323 WFED 7090E Critical Issues in Workforce Education Andrew Jackson 3 25
48260 WFED 7550E Students With Special Needs in Programs of Workforce Education Jay Rojewski 3 40
53327 WFED 7560E Diversity in Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Roger Hill 3 0
70324 WFED 8060E Administration and Supervision of Workforce Education Programs Carmen Pedersen 3 25
73156 WFED 8320E Global Innovation, Technology, and Careers Carmen Pedersen 3 25
70327 WFED 8330E Exploring the United States Innovation Climate Kristopher Hollers 3 25
61479 WFED 9630E Critique of Educational Literature in Workforce Education Jay Rojewski 3 0
41304 WILD 1100E Wildlife in America James Beasley 2 175
57172 WILD 1100E Wildlife in America James Beasley 2 100
63880 WMST 1110E Multicultural Perspectives on Women in the United States Joselyn Leimbach Area V 3 43