My unique perspective on organizational and individual transformation comes from working all over the world on developing programs for leadership and mentoring, in Singapore’s secondary schools, in the New York City Public School System, and for the United Nations’ web-based teaching systems.
I have a passion for leading adults into learning. My vocation is leading my students out into the world and into becoming themselves. My main goals in teaching are getting to know who my students are as individuals, and discovering their true potential for transformation.
In today’s world, my students and I face new challenges and technologies which force us to learn in new ways. My students’ jobs, families, travels, and other commitments present opportunities for engaging as individuals across the digital divide. How do we engage with our students and ourselves in a way which manages all of these challenges? This cross section in adult education is what truly interests me.
My scholarship and teachings focus on adult education and collaborative development across business, governmental, educational and grassroots organizations. My areas of study have included focused work on International Relations and Human Rights, Nonviolence and Peace Education for Social Change, and Adult Learning and Leadership.
Another important part of my story is that I’m an entrepreneur. As a professional coach, my practice is founded on the principles of action and opportunity. My consulting practice is focused on the leadership development of youth and young adults, as well as the personal transformation of adult learners interested in effecting change in the world. My professional experience reflects my global outlook, and includes developing programs for Singapore-based secondary schools, working on mentorship and leadership programs for at-risk youth in the New York City Public School System, consulting for Stanford University’s Group Dynamics Program, developing web-based teaching programs for the United Nations in New York, and other stints in London, California and Greece.