Introducing Music Education students to new ways of thinking about teaching and learning music is my main goal of teaching.
Assistant Professor, Music Education
I love engaging with students and opening their eyes to new experiences they may not be able to have in the average classroom. Using the technology available to us online helps me to stretch my teaching strategies and comprehensively explore the topic of music and learning.
I received my Ph.D. in Music Education at the University of Washington, my Masters in Wind Conducting at the University of Louisville and my undergraduate degree in Music Education at the University of Kansas. I taught 6-12 Band and Choir in a rural school district just outside St. Louis, MO and was also on brass staff with the Crossmen Drum and Bugle Corps. Before coming to UGA, I was a lecturer in Music Education at the University of Washington and a Research Assistant at the UW Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS).
I specialize in Instrumental Music Education. My research interests include the cognition and perception of music learning and performance, teacher training, social psychology and music, and alternative approaches to ensemble teaching.
I have been able to present my research on the international, national and state levels, including at conferences like the National Association for Music Education National Conference (NAfME), the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research (APSMER), International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and the College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA) Athletic Band Symposium.