We [veterinarians] have the most unique profession- we can re-invent ourselves. It’s important for all of us to become leaders and represent our profession to the rest of the world.
Clinical Associate Professor
Providing a safe and healthy food source to consumers is an important aspect of our profession. Poultry veterinarians are uniquely trained to ensure the health and welfare of flocks. We aim to maximize the production outputs of our industry while maintaining health and well-being.
Through advanced training in poultry medicine as offered through the Master’s of Avian Health and Medicine (MAHM) program, we are educating the next generation of veterinarians to meet the growing demands of the global poultry industry.
I have worked both in academia and the poultry industry, so I have the perspective of a veterinarian from the research side as well as the practical side. I was the technical services veterinarian for Lohmann Animal Health International and a Veterinary Medical Officer with the National Poultry Improvement Plan, USDA, APHIS.
I’ve also operated my own consulting firm since 2007, Chicken Scratch, LLC. I bring all of this wealth of knowledge and background with me into the instructional materials for the MAHM degree program.