It is important to understand the characteristics and limitations of the different vaccines and select the safest and/or most efficacious vaccine based on the specific situation and primary concerns.
My area of interest is in avian mycoplasmosis, bacterial infections that come from three different strains. With continuous surveillance and medication, these pathogens can be controlled.
I’ve worked with breeders and farmers to help them understand the best ways to test their flock, writing detailed instructions for obtaining cultures and sending them to our lab for testing. My research has also looked at the types of swabs used to collect samples, looking for the most efficient way to collect samples that will give accurate results in the lab.
My students learn the importance of this type of research as they work alongside me. Proper lab procedures, looking for the best methods of diagnosis, and investigating how to most efficiently find and control disease are all things I emphasize through the activities and lectures in my classroom.