My research philosophy is to develop innovative statistical thinking and serve the data dependent society with effective and efficient data analysis tools.
Associate Professor
Before joining UGA, I was the Bruce Lindsay Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University, hosted by Professor Runze Li. Prior to that, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of ORFE at Princeton University, hosted by Professor Jianqing Fan. I received my Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of York under the supervision of Professor Wenyang Zhang. I also earned an MSc in Statistics from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Physics from Beijing Normal University.
I have been working on statistical methodological research for massive datasets inspired by many areas. My research philosophy is to develop innovative statistical thinking and serve the data dependent society with effective and efficient data analysis tools. My ongoing research interests are as follows.
- Statistical machine learning
- Robust statistical methods
- Time series analysis
- Non/Semi-parametric modeling
- Financial Econometrics
Learn more about Yuan Ke.