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5 Popular Online Courses to Take This Summer

5 Popular Online Courses to Take This Summer

Registration for summer courses began in November, but there are still some popular online classes with spots available. Advantages of taking summer courses online include catching up or moving ahead in your major, convenience, flexibility, and staying on track for graduation. Here’s a list of five popular online courses for this year’s summer semester at the University of Georgia:

ECON 2200E – Economic Development of the United States

Prereqs: (ECON 2105 or ECON 2105E or ECON 2105H) and (ECON 2106 or ECON 2106E or ECON 2106H)
Explore the United State’s growth and transformation into an industrialized nation and beyond. The rise and fall of slavery, government regulations, the Great Depression, economic growth, banking, transportation, etc. will be covered. Basic microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis is used to explain the growth and history of the American economy. 3 hours.

MATH 1113E – Precalculus

Precalculus focuses on preparing students for calculus. Topics such as algebraic, exponential, and trigonometric functions and their graphs are covered. Applications of these topics include simple maximum/minimum problems, exponential growth and decay, and surveying problems. 3 hours.

SPAN 1110E – Accelerated Elementary Spanish

Review basic principles of the Spanish language in an immersive course given and taught completely in Spanish. It is recommended that students have some experience with Spanish, such as high school courses.4 hours.

SOCI 3150E – Criminal Punishment and Society

Prereqs: SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department

Analyze the relationship between society and the nature and extent of American punishment over time. Theories of and justifications for punishment will be covered. The course introduces a broad social framework from which students can critically explore prisons and other correctional strategies through a sociological lens. 3 hours.

HDFS 2100E – Development Within the Family

This course is an introduction to the topic of family development. It focuses on the family as a basic social institution, various theoretical approaches to the concept of family, etc. The history, structure, and functions of families will be discussed as will topics such as marriage, cohabitation, and parenting. 3 hours.


*Disclaimer: Online courses have limited spots available. Classes fill up quickly, so these courses may not be accepting new registrations for long!

Search the full list of UGA’s online courses.