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Alumni Q&A: Matthew Alexander, MBT Program

Alumni Q&A: Matthew Alexander, MBT Program

Q: Which program were you in and when did you complete it?
Matthew: I graduated in the spring of 2017 from the Masters in Internet Technology program.

Q: Where are you from?
Matthew: I was born in India, but have been in the US for the last 17 years. I have been living in Atlanta, Georgia, for the last 9 years.

Q: Where do you work now and what do you do?
Matthew: I work for IBM as a manager within the PMO (project managers office). Here, I coach project managers that are new to project management and are having issues with their projects.

Q: What made you decide to earn your degree from the University of Georgia?
Matthew: I decided on UGA because being a working professional and trying to find the balance of time with course work, the MIT program at UGA seemed just right. I was looking for a program that was going to both help my IT skill set and complement my project management skills. Furthermore, it provided the right balance between business and technology that is needed in today’s ever-changing technology landscape. Going through with a cohort was also valuable as you went through the course with students just like you, so while you were not in a class together you were in a class together “virtually.”

Q: What advice would you give current or future online students?
Matthew: The online space provides the flexibility that most of us need. Being online is self-paced and self-controlled, so if you take the initiative to be self-disciplined you will be successful. Also, since it is online it enables you to balance work and life along with your curriculum.


Find more information on the Master’s of Business and Technology (formerly Master’s in Internet Technology) program on the MBT webpage