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Keeping the Kids Busy So You Can Study

Keeping the Kids Busy So You Can Study

As a parent, the thought of having children home while you’re in school is daunting. The idea can be even more unnerving as a parent and student. Worrying about how to entertain kids, balance school and work is a huge undertaking. Here are some activities for kids to do that are enjoyable and require minimum supervision.


There are tons of fun activities children can do at home that allow you to complete schoolwork at the same time. Some activities are doing puzzles, coloring books and school activity books. Activity books help keep children’s minds active during the summer and support retaining information from the school year. Other activities include crafts like making bracelets, board games and movie marathons. For movie marathons, pick a theme each week such as Disney, superhero or nature and watch one movie a day. If the kids are old enough, have them clean and organize their room. They can donate old toys, clothes or recycle last year’s school work. 


It’s important to have kids play outside and take a break from technology. Some activities you won’t have to supervise much is playing with bubbles, chalk and sports in the backyard. Other things like tie-dying or a lemonade stand may require more supervision, but if the kids are old enough, these activities can allow you to take breaks.

Away from Home

Taking kids to the park, zoo or library allows for kids to learn, explore and be involved in the community. These activities require some supervision, but can easily have breaks to complete school work.