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Online Summer Courses Filling Up the Fastest

Online Summer Courses Filling Up the Fastest

Summer courses are a great way to get ahead in your degree or lessen your course load for the upcoming fall semester. Taking summer courses online provides the additional flexibility to travel, accept an internship position, or get a summer job. Online summer courses fill up quickly, so consider what classes you may want to take early on and don’t wait to register.

Here is a list of the online summer classes filling up fast due to high demand:

Ecological Basis of Environmental Issues, ECOL 1000E

Ecological concepts that form the basis for understanding environmental issues confronting us; population growth, loss of diversity, resource limitation, pollution, and global climate change.

Economic Development of the United States, ECON 2200E

The United States’ growth and transformation into an industrialized nation, exploring the contributions of diverse cultural groups. The rise of the corporation, slavery, government regulation, banking, transportation, the economic role of women and minorities, the Great Depression, and rapid post-World War II growth.

Principles of Accounting I, ACCT 2101E

Basic accounting systems, concepts, and principles. The primary goals of this course are to develop an understanding of the accounting process and to summarize and communicate information useful in making economic decisions.

Principles of Accounting II, ACCT 2102E

Basic managerial accounting systems, concepts, and principles. The analysis, interpretation, and reporting of cost data for management’s decision making needs. Cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, and performance reporting are discussed as they relate to other business disciplines.

The Study of Language, LING 2100E

The scientific study of language, emphasizing such topics as the organization of grammar, language in space and time, and the relationship between the study of language and other disciplines

Survey of Financial Planning, FHCE 3250E

Overview of the financial planning process for individuals and families. Topics include external planning consideration, financial planning statements, cash flow management, time value of money, and planning with respect to education, insurance, investments, tax, retirement, and estate transfers. Through classroom lecture, examination, and assignments, the students will gain an understanding of how the financial planning process can benefit families and individuals.

Principles of Marketing, MARK 3001E

Examination of the ways organizations satisfy consumer and organizational needs and wants for products and services. Emphasis is placed on how the elements of the marketing mix are used to provide customer satisfaction in the marketing of goods and services, both domestically and internationally. For non- Terry College of Business students.

Survey of Investments, FINA 4310E

A study of the securities markets, investor objectives, introduction to portfolio theory and the analytical tools of portfolio management, and an examination of investment alternatives. Students will build and manage a security portfolio for analysis as an experiential learning tool.

Shakespeare I: Texts and Contexts, ENGL 4320E/6320E

Encourages students who would like to learn about Shakespeare, his world, and his writing. In particular, the course aims to introduce students to Shakespeare’s plays and poems in the context of early modern Europe and of the first print revolution.

Sport Event Management, KINS 4840E

Management techniques and strategies required for successful planning, promotion, implementation, and evaluation of sport events.

Online courses have limited spots available. Classes fill up quickly, so these courses may not be accepting new registrations for long!

Search the full list of UGA’s online courses.