Project Manager Finds Online BBA the Key to Becoming a More Valuable Asset
Project Manager Finds Online BBA the Key to Becoming a More Valuable Asset
Hamilton Vickers had found his niche in the corporate business world, but he wanted more than just a good job. He wanted the knowledge and skills to do his job well. He wanted to be considered as a valuable asset by his company. And what he needed to meet those goals was a business degree. So after
combing through his many online degree options, Hamilton decided that an online BBA degree from the University of Georgia was the perfect fit.

As a project manager, Hamilton develops and implements organizational processes that improve the efficiency of his company. Thus, he has found his coursework in management to be extremely applicable in his day-to-day work.
Hamilton has also had the opportunity to take courses in a variety of business disciplines, allowing him to gain new perspectives in business. For example, since taking Marketing classes, Hamilton better understands the marketing campaigns of his company and can see how they can promote themselves in new markets.
Hamilton has some advice for those considering going back to school; he knows first-hand that it can be challenging, so self-motivation is really important. Maintaining a work/life/school balance should also be a top priority for returning students and is of particular importance for students with jobs and families.
But now with only a semester standing between him and his diploma, Hamilton agrees that the struggle is definitely worth it. Hamilton says that his time in the Online BBA has given him the confidence to succeed in the workplace, and he can’t wait to graduate in Spring 2019!