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Why On Campus Students Take Online Courses

Why On Campus Students Take Online Courses

It’s no secret that as students we lead busy lives, and the classes we take are arguably the most important aspect of our college education. With such an increased demand for online education, on campus students are seeking out the advantages of online classes and are taking more of them in addition to in-person classes. There are many reasons for this trend such as allowing for more flexibility within schedules and environments, more class options, and more personalized attention from professors. Learn more about why on campus students take online courses, and see if this could be a good option for you. 

photo of students

More freedom within your schedule

With online classes, you are able to complete classwork and assignments on your own time and within deadlines, allowing for increased freedom within your schedule. Whether you decide to take an online class to advance your career or to make more time for student organizations and clubs, you will have more flexibility within your schedule because of the nature of online courses. 

Flexible learning environment

By studying online, you can choose the learning environment that works best for your needs, and it’s true that we learn best in an environment that we feel the most comfortable in. Whether that be at home in your pajamas or at your local coffee shop, online classes can be accessed anywhere at any time. With an online class, there is no need to rush to campus to find a parking spot in the deck that almost always seems full or travel to a building on the other side of campus; you can complete your work and listen to lectures wherever you choose. If you are constantly on the go or prefer to learn outside of a classroom environment, online classes may be a good option for you. 

More class options

Building out your schedule and registering for classes is arguably one of the most nerve-wracking and unpredictable parts of being a college student. A class you want to take may be full or overlap with another required class for your major, and this is where the convenience of online classes comes in to play. With online courses, you don’t need to worry about class times, and there is a wider variety of classes offered online, some of which may only be offered online. By taking an online course, you can choose to focus on the subject you are interested in and pick from a variety of online courses and programs.

More personalized attention

Do you ever feel overlooked in a large lecture class or feel as though the content is too general and you aren’t getting as much personalized attention? The size of online classes is typically smaller than large in-person lecture classes allowing for more personalized attention from the professors. They can provide specific feedback in discussions or on tests, and professors may even adapt the content to focus on aspects of the course that you and the rest of the class are interested in. Online classes also offer shy students the opportunity to participate and reach out to the professor when they may feel uncomfortable doing so in a large class. 

Search the full list of UGA’s online courses, and note that registration for summer 2020 courses opens on November 25 in Athena