We’re so connected to our digital devices, but are we really connected to each other through these devices in a meaningful way? I’m interested in learning more about these virtual environments that continue to grow around the world, as we’re becoming increasingly reliant on digital technologies in our daily lives.
I’m passionate about getting the most out of our increasingly online world. We’ve set up technologies that help us communicate with others so easily, and I explore how we can make that communication more effective and positive. I enjoy working with students to discuss new ideas in this frontier.
My research has focused on maximizing instructional design to take advantage of technological advances. Being able to learn on-the-go is essential if educators want to be able to reach a wide audience, and it’s equally important to make sure that this learning is student-focused. Allowing students to contribute significantly to the trajectory of the course is essential in developing objectives that are relevant and practical, as it increases the motivation and participation of the students enrolled. Open-ended learning can be challenging to do well, but its rewards can be significantly greater than a teacher-oriented approach to education. My courses focus on different approaches to learning, especially those in a virtual environment, resource-based learning, and qualitative research. I think students and teachers alike can share information to make teaching more effective.
I’m also interested in adult education. The corporate setting has taken advantage of technologies that allow for instantaneous communication between people in different corners of the world, and I’m interested in exploring how to build strong communities that may not have any geographical borders. In studying information management systems, I hope to reveal ways in which organizations can become more productive. I’m a lifelong learner myself, and I received the Conflict Mediation Certification from the Mediation Training Institute and a certification as a yoga instructor. I’ve regularly participated in community events, including the Dialogical Self Conference, of which I was co-chair, and the EdMedia Executive Committee.
Learn more about Janette Hill.