Faculty Open Educational Resources
Faculty Open Educational Resources

Incorporating active learning pedagogies enables my students to be responsible learners and independent thinkers.
Open Educational Resources for Instruction
We have resources you can use right now! Open educational resources (OERs) are teaching, learning, and research resources that can be freely retained, reused, revised, remixed, and redistributed. These instructional media and open text books are organized by subject.
All OERs available here meet WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility requirements. All videos are fully captioned.
If you are a UGA faculty member interested in contributing open educational resources, please email us at online@uga.edu.
Online Course Development Resources for Faculty
The primary source of UGA faculty support as you transition to teaching remotely in the current Spring 2020 semester is the Office of Instruction’s teaching and learning continuity resources page.
A Rapid Guide to Online Teaching eLC course is available to UGA instructors as a resource for a rapid move to online instruction. If you are not enrolled in this course and would like to request access, please reach out to the CTL or complete the request for information form at the bottom of this page.
UGA anthropologist, Victor Thompson, has made 26 video resources available that define various archaeological terms, explanations of methods done at various laboratories, and even demonstrations of ancient technologies with experts. The videos were developed for his online course, Anthropology 2002 -Tombs and Temples.
YouTube playlist “Archaeology”
UGA associate professor in the Department of Psychology, Michelle vanDellen has made 28 online course videos available. Each instructional video explains a discrete statistical concept or method such as ANOVA, correlation and regression, Chi Square, and hypothesis testing.
Kaltura channel “Psychological Application of Statistics”
YouTube playlist “Psychological Application of Statistics”
International Affairs
Instructor Leah Carmichael in the Department of International Affairs has made 15 instructional media assets available that tackle various aspects of international relations and some of the more challenging international issues that leaders face. A few of the video topics available include the laws of war, global issues, theoretical paradigms and how the economy should work.
Kaltura channel “Global Issues”
YouTube playlist “Global Issues”
Physical Education
Ilse Mason, a UGA senior lecturer and basic Physical Education program coordinator in the Department of Kinesiology, has been developing open educational resources for UGA’s basic physical education courses since 2013. She is an award-winning instructor, recognized for her excellence in developing and implementing creative teaching strategies to improve student learning and encourage instructional excellence. Choose from among 21 OER physical education textbooks for your online or campus course.
Physical Education OER textbook catalog.
UGA lecturer in the Department of Psychology’s behavioral and brain sciences program, Trina Cyterski, has made eight online course videos publically available to help other faculty. These media were developed for her Intro to Psychology Resources course, launched in the summer of 2019.