The BS in Special Education classes give students a snapshot into the best practices currently in place in the most effective classrooms. We want our students to succeed so that they can transform their own schools and districts.
Clinical Professor
One of my areas of research is in literacy development in adolescents. I worked on a two-year longitudinal study digging into the fidelity of a corrective reading program in a local middle school. Reading instruction has always intrigued me, especially during the critical years of middle school.
The majority of my time at UGA is focused on teaching, and students in the online BS in Special Education program will have me for a number of their classes. I teach about assessments in the special education classroom, instructional methods for a variety of learning challenges, reading instruction in both the regular and special education classrooms and study strategies. Each of these classes helps our graduates teach with the very best instruction methods currently available.
One of my great pleasures is supervising student teachers. We don’t just want teachers to have the knowledge of best practices. We want to see them execute those instructional methods in the classroom. To watch each student teacher take those first steps in the classroom is a delight for me.