My goal is for future educators to feel confident in their capacity to facilitate student learning—for students to believe that, irrespective of their environment, they may lean on their knowledge and ingenuity to continuously improve upon their practice.
Senior Lecturer
For over fifteen years, I have served higher education institutions and educational agencies as a research specialist, focusing on assessment development, psychometrics, and the use of assessment results to impact student learning. I have authored state level assessment data utilization guides, supported the development of local School Improvement standards, and delivered assessment-focused professional learning to regional and local administrators.
In addition to collaborating with educators on using assessment data to improve student learning, I focus on improving the technical quality and utility of our measuring instruments. I do this by assisting agencies with established assessment development processes and serve as a Quality Assurance agent—ensuring the accuracy of data management routines and psychometric analyses. I also conduct assessment development research; my research interests focus on the intersection of cognition and assessment.
I believe the UGA online program provides students with the perfect balance of theory and application. The faculty and students all bring unique experiences and a collaborative spirit into the virtual classroom—I am honored to be a part of the UGA online instructional community.