How do we learn, and how do we provide therapy so that our clients learn?
Assistant Professor
I believe strongly in the autonomy and agency of our clients, and that in assessing and treating clients with communication disorders, that we do so in order to enact meaningful change that is defined by that person.
My research is in supporting students with traumatic brain injury and concussion as they return to educational settings, with a particular focus on harnessing metacognition and self-regulation so that students learn to understand and manage their own learning. This means that I also have an interest in how typical college students learn, and the kinds of teaching methods that allow a wide variety of learners to engage with what I’m teaching.
My clinical background spans the range of care for adults with neurological impairments, from intensive and acute care, to inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation. My research examines approaches that support return to productivity after TBI.
In my spare time, you can find me chasing my kids, hugging my dogs, watching some hockey, listening to live music, or just generally enjoying the welcoming environment of Athens and UGA.