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5 Unexpected Apps to Help You Ace Your Finals

5 Unexpected Apps to Help You Ace Your Finals

It’s that time of year again: finals are creeping up, and suddenly, you are tasked with memorizing, writing, and reviewing multiple topics for multiple classes from the semester. With finals comes a lot of stress. During stressful times, relaxation is even more imperative than usual. Relaxing whenever possible, and in whatever way works for you (whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, or meditating) is healthier for you than you might think. Relaxation can lower your risk of becoming ill, boost your memory, and help your judgement. Fortunately, there are plenty of apps that not only help you study for classes, but also help you thrive and stay relaxed during finals season.

  1. Spotify: Listening to music can have a profound effect on our emotions, and even our physiological state. Quiet classical music can slow your heart rate, lower blood pressure and even decreases levels of stress hormones. However, if you don’t have headphones handy, don’t worry! You can try humming or making your own music; a 2004 study of nursing students found that recreational music-making reduced burnout and improved mood states.
  2. WaterMinder: One of the more sophisticated water trackers available, WaterMinder gives you an estimate of your water-intake needs based on your gender, weight, physical activity level, and the weather. It’s goal-orientated to encourage you to reach your water target and tracks hydration intakes from various beverages. Studies have shown that being dehydrated can increase cortisol levels in the body, which can have a number of negative effects on your overall health.
  3. Headspace: Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is a meditation app for everyone, from beginners to those who regularly meditate. The app teaches meditation and mindfulness in just 10 minutes a day.
  4. 7 Minute Workout: When your finals schedule is filled with study sessions and paper-writing, it can be tempting to skip exercise— but working out can help you blow off some steam and keep you energized. 7 Minute Workout guides you through a quick but effective workout that you can do wherever you are.
  5. Time Out: It’s easy to get caught up in staring at your laptop or phone all day while you study, but with all those hours of strain, your eyes need a break. Time Out will slowly fade your screen out when it’s time for a break and bring it back when the break is over. Breaks are customizable and can be skipped if you’re on a roll.