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Determined to Open New Doors, Ashley Robertson Decided an Online Degree was for Her

Determined to Open New Doors, Ashley Robertson Decided an Online Degree was for Her

In 2016, Ashley Robertson decided that no longer would she miss out on career opportunities just because she had not completed a bachelor’s degree. She was going to do the hard work to make sure the doors she wanted to walk through remained open. Ashley decided to return to school to complete her Bachelor of Business Administration at the University of Georgia.

Initially, a business degree wasn’t exactly on Ashley’s radar. She had completed her Associates of Science in Medical Technology and works as an Infusion Assistant for Georgia Cancer Specialists. However after working for several years,  she realized that her talents would be useful in many fields and a degree in business would help make those connections. Ashley says business was a great choice for her because of its relevance in a wide variety of industries. She is even planning to pursue an MBA after graduation and possibly look into policy implementation or healthcare compliance in hospitals.

Overall, the flexibility of the program is what drew Ashley to the Online BBA. She was able to renovate her house, travel, and work full-time, all while completing her coursework! Ashley says the connections she’s made with her peers help her get through the difficult content and rigorous course schedules. She has discovered what many studies have shown: students who establish a support network of their peers are most successful. 

With her final semesters approaching, Ashley looks forward to graduating from the University of Georgia. She’s excited to finally earn her bachelor’s degree and confidently walk through those once-closed doors. 

“The online BBA program has been such a great opportunity for me. It has allowed me to live my life all while working towards my degree.”