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News Articles

Community, Connection and Commitment: The Value of Conference Attendance

December 1, 2016

This January, the Hugh Hodgson School of Music at the University of Georgia has five music education faculty presenting at the Georgia Music Educators Association’s In-Service Conference. Why is nearly an entire area of a music school devoting time and effort at the start of a semester to not just attending, but presenting at a conference?

Meet the Faculty: Bonnie Cramond, Educational Psychology, Gifted and Creative Education

November 28, 2016

“With a unique curriculum and extensive research on creative and gifted children, I want to make a difference in the lives of many students,” explained Bonnie Cramond, a professor in the online Educational Psychology, Gifted and Creative graduate programs at the University of Georgia. She is particularly interested in the identification and nurturance of creativity, especially among individuals considered at risk because of their different ways of thinking, such as those misdiagnosed with ADHD, emotional problems, or those who drop out.

Amazing Online Student and Lifelong Bulldog Fan Applies Knowledge Gained to His Job at CDC

November 15, 2016

As an undergrad, Michael Crawley bounced between colleges and did a stint in the Navy. But he still rooted for the Dogs. “I’ve been a Bulldog fan since I’ve been old enough to even know what football was!” Crawley said with a laugh.

Emotion in Music — Teaching Eclectic Styles and Improvisation

November 8, 2016

Musical improvisation encourages individual expression and a deeper relationship with music. Teaching improvisation however, requires training. Research by Taylor and Georgia State University’s Martin Norgaard, uncovered a need for pre-service teacher training in the art of fostering improvisational skills and creativity. “The benefit of teaching improvisation in the classroom is that it provides the opportunity for students to develop the art of musical expression through articulation, phrasing and inflection” says Skip Taylor, Music Education faculty at the University of Georgia, Hugh Hodgson School of Music.

UGA Online Regulatory Affairs Alumni Commit to Saving Lives by Learning the Latest in Medical Device Regulations

November 3, 2016

Regulation of medical devices is a crucial aspect of the healthcare field that many of us depend on in our everyday lives. Online Regulatory Affairs faculty and students are committed to saving the lives of others by improving and ensuring the quality of medical devices. Learning from industry professionals about the future direction of regulations is a critical component. UGA recently wrapped up its 4th annual Medical Device Regulations conference, where those in the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries were able to hear from industry professionals about the quality and production of medical devices.

Amazing Online Alumnus Paul Rockwell’s Online MFT Degree Was Beneficial to His Career Path

October 25, 2016

Corporate Chef Paul Rockwell, who serves on the Board of Directors of the Research Chefs Association, started out as a restaurant chef with a commitment to become more.

Amazing Online Students: Brittany Colquitt Finally Able to Attend Her Dream School, UGA

October 18, 2016

“As a teacher, I know a true educator never stops their love for getting an education,” expressed online student Brittany Colquitt. Her story truly reflects that sentiment. After getting her undergraduate degree at Kennesaw State University, Colquitt taught 7th grade social studies in Cherokee County for nine years. Now, while maintaining her job as a middle school teacher, she is advancing her education by getting her Master’s degree in Middle Grades Education online, so she can advance the education of others and continue to pass on her love of learning to her students.

Recent Reading Ed Alumna Josie Calamari Shows Dedication to Education

October 6, 2016

Just days before giving birth to twins, Josie Calamari turned in her final exam. Two days after their birth, she received the email confirming she had successfully earned her Master of Education in Reading Education online. “It was like the best week of my life! Babies and my Master’s degree!” Calamari said with a laugh.

UGA Online Professor Bonnie Cramond Named a Research Thought Leader by the Innovation Collaborative

October 4, 2016

Bonnie Cramond, an online professor in the Master of Educational Psychology, Gifted and Creative Education degree program, was recently named to a group of six national advisors by the Innovation Collaborative, a national forum that fosters creativity, innovation and lifelong learning through research and effective practices. Known as Research Thought Leaders, the group is comprised of nationally-known researchers who integrate innovation thinking in the sciences, arts, humanities, cognition and creativity with education.

UGA Online Professor Sally Krisel to be President of National Association for Gifted Children in 2017

September 8, 2016

Sally Krisel, assistant professor in the Master of Educational Psychology, Gifted and Creative degree program, is slated to be president of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Board of Directors in 2017. “NAGC is the leading organization working to make sure that giftedness and high potential in our nation’s youth are fully recognized, universally valued, and actively nurtured,” explained Krisel. In addition to serving as president-elect, Krisel is also the Director of Innovative and Advanced Programs for Hall County Schools in Gainesville, Georgia.