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David Hall: Reaching His Goals From 35,000 Feet

David Hall: Reaching His Goals From 35,000 Feet

In 2010, David Hall left the University of Georgia as an undergraduate with his eyes set on the sky–or more specifically, flight school. Three years later when David achieved his dream of becoming a professional airline pilot, he quickly realized in order to advance his career, he would need to return to his original goal of completing his degree. David returned to the University of Georgia in 2015 as an Online BBA student to complete a degree that would allow him to gain “real-world” knowledge and skills and advance his piloting career.

David agrees that the utility of a business degree and the flexibility of this program are major highlights of the Online BBA. For example, courses with practical applications, like Financial Modeling, have been David’s favorite and the ability to do coursework in an airport terminal has worked well with his “sometimes hectic and unpredictable schedule.” He says a degree in General Business will allow him to advance to larger airlines, fly bigger planes, and one day start his own small business.

As December nears, David looks forward to several exciting events.  In addition to graduating from the University of Georgia Online BBA, he will also begin piloting at a new airline and get married. In fact, David’s biggest supporter is his soon-to-be wife, who he says has been “tremendous” and keeps him motivated to finish strong during his last semester. David eagerly awaits graduation and exclaims, “My favorite [Online BBA] moment will happen in December when I finish my last class and finally get that degree!”