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Isaac Brown (BBA) Strives to Inspire His Daughters to Succeed

Isaac Brown (BBA) Strives to Inspire His Daughters to Succeed

A conversation with his two young daughters’ about their futures inspired Isaac Brown to earn his college degree: “I do not have a bachelor’s degree, so I felt I needed to set the precedent.” In addition to being a role model to his daughters, Isaac knew that obtaining his degree would further his business career. He currently works 50+ hours a week for a state agency, and he would also like to own several businesses in the near future. Isaac says that the knowledge he has gained as an Online BBA student is a valuable asset and will help him reach his goals.

Isaac says he has always wanted to be a part of “the great University of Georgia.” In fact, his favorite Online BBA moment was when he received his acceptance letter: “I worked so hard, and it’s a great feeling of knowing you can literally obtain all that you are willing put in the work for…I laminated and framed my acceptance letter and envelope. It hangs in my living room.” 

With a wife, two daughters, and a full-time job that follows him home, the flexibility of the Online BBA has allowed Isaac to successfully complete his coursework. He says that he did not want the decision to earn his degree to compromise his ability to be a loving father and husband or to interfere with his professional career. Thus, Isaac manages “every second of the day” by prioritizing and making responsible decisions. Isaac says that little reminders, like UGA clothing and his daughter’s UGA backpacks, are what keeps him motivated and focused on the goal of earning his degree.

Isaac is a proud and appreciative Bulldog who can’t wait for his daughters to see him “walk across the stage and receive [his] diploma.”